Smudge Stick - Cedar - 11cm

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Smudge Stick - Cedar - 11cm

The Cedar tree has been revered for its spiritual significance for thousands of years.  It's wood was used for the doors of sacred temples and burned in cleansing ceremonies for purification.

Cedar has a long history of use in indigenous sweat lodge ceremonies and the tree was thought to house important gods and be an entrance to higher spiritual realms.

Cedar is first and foremost a medicine of protection. It is often used to cleanse a home when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences. Cedar is often used in the sweat lodge ceremony. A few pinches are thrown on the red-hot rocks, immediately sparking into a yellow glow and releasing their aroma. The smoke of burning cedar is said to attract the good spirits and eliminate negative ones.

The cedar is also one of the four sacred plants of the indigenous American Medicine wheel and represents the Southern direction. 

Cedar is used as a name for a number of different categories of trees and shrubs. The primary ones are Cedrus, Thuja, Libdocedrus and Juniperus. The Junipers are not truly Cedars (scientifically) but are used as such by many people.

Instructions for use:

Holding the smudge stick by the “handle” end, use a match or lighter to ignite the tip.  Blow out any open flames so that the leaves slowly smoulder.  Next, wave the smudging stick, (or use a feather to fan the sage stick which is the traditional way), around a room, person, or objects to direct the fragrant, cleansing smoke.  Catch the ashes in a heat-resistant dish.  (An abalone shell is traditional, but you can use a smudge pot, incense burner, or even a regular plate, as long as you put something under it.) Please watch out for falling embers. Smudge sticks can be extinguished in a dish of sand or with water if needs be and can be re-used many times. 

Never leave burning smudge sticks unattended.

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